“Celebrate the Small Wins” | Tips on Self-Care When You’re Feeling Low


“You make working from home look so easy.”

“You’re always so active with your son.”

“Your husband seems so chill. I’m sure you guys don’t argue.”

“You always seem so happy! How do you do it?”

I’ve been told these remarks before. Yes, I am thankful for many things in my life. I love my family. I’m blessed to have them. I love my work.

But the reality is…

You’re only seeing a snippet of my life.

You’re getting a sneak peek of the parts I choose to share. It’s easy to have the perception that I’ve got it easy based on what you see on my social media. But the last thing I want is for someone to compare their life to mine.

No one is immune to the hardships of life. No one! Just because I smile often does not mean my life is simple.

Some of my greatest struggles are hidden from the world…

  • You don’t see when I wake up in tears at 3 am from my grief.
  • You don’t see me flinching away from my husband when I have been over touched all day and just need my body to myself.
  • You don’t see me hiding in my closet when my husband gets home so I can get 5 minutes to myself.
  • You don’t see me curled up on my bathroom floor fighting out a debilitating migraine attack.
  • You don’t see the resentment I have felt towards my husband for being able to work out of our home.
  • You don’t see me saying the little prayer, “Lord, help me,” after my toddler throws food on the carpet, and I have to clean it up for the 5th time.
  • You don’t see when I go weeks without washing my hair.
  • You don’t see me lying on the couch from complete exhaustion.

I chose to keep my troubles to myself because I didn’t want to highlight my dark moments. I didn’t want them to overshadow my happiness. However, I choose to share them with you today to remind you that you are not alone.

We may face difficult times…but we can choose to push forward. I believe there’s always a light at the end of the tunnel. Given the current conditions of the world, I know that light seems far away. Yet, each day we have the choice to continue pursuing it.

We can’t control the world, so let’s focus on what we can control. We can take care of our minds, be kind to ourselves and to one another.

Here are my favorite self-care tips for body, spiritual and work wellness:


  • Indulge with a shower
    • Of course hot water and your favorite bath scents clean your skin, but it also rejuvenates the body when you’re feeling sore and stressed.
  • Take a break
    • Your body and mind needs at least an hour of rest every day. Take a nap, get a breath of fresh air or whatever works best for you. ⁠
  • Exercise as often as you can
    • Move your body and get your heart pumping! Whether it’s low-impact aerobics or high-intensity sprints, exercise will increase your energy and improve your mood.


  • Be still⁠
    • Find a place that’s nearby and beautiful to you. Sit down, relax your muscles and be present in the moment.
  • Connect with your friends
    • Reach out to your loved ones. Allow them to see you when you’re vulnerable. Let them pour love into you and encourage you!
  • Give yourself tough love
    • We don’t have to talk down to ourselves to motivate us. Push yourself with this mantra: “Enough is enough! Enough with self-pity. Enough with laziness. Enough with excuses. I deserve better!”


  • Be flexible
    • It’s good to plan ahead and be as organised as possible, but some days throw us into survival mode…and that’s okay! No two days will be alike. Remember that it’s not a bad life; it’s just a bad day.
  • Practice time-blocking
    • When you go to plan your work week, try to block out time to work on specific tasks. This will help you avoid distraction, stay focused and get more work finished in less time.⁠
  • Remember to eat
    • Meal times are important! Prepare yourself something yummy and nutritious. Try to eat away from your desk. When you’re there, it’s time to work. This is your break time to enjoy and re-energise you.


In our current environment, it’s easy to become overwhelmed and believe you’re not doing enough. Keep in mind that we are doing the best we can with what we have. I believe in taking the time to replenish our energy with small, personal self-care acts that serve as a powerful reminder:

I, too, matter.

When I practice these tips, I wake up excited and find I suddenly have more hours in my day! Taking care of me has made a big difference in my life as a mum, a wife and a business owner.

Try to adopt a few of these habits as soon as possible. Choose to count your blessings. Celebrate the small wins. Most importantly, take care of yourself because health is wealth!



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